Making Things Happen…

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It can be extremely nerve-racking doing things that are way out of your comfort zone, but if you want new opportunities to open up in your life you have to make them happen.

Even though I already have a part-time job, I’d noticed a chance for some lucrative casual work; ideal for someone self-employed like myself. Rather than worry about not being right for the role or getting stressed out over how to fit it in around my main income source, I’ve bagged myself a highly sought-after interview.

Maybe I won’t be one of the lucky few who are offered a position…. but I’ve already overcome the first hurdle by getting a foot in the door. Whatever the final outcome, I’m confident that this is the start of something exciting.

Life is Even Better at Fifty Two and a Half…



It’s an extremely encouraging sign that you’ve moved on from a break-up when you sail through the 1st anniversary and not even realise it until several days later. It was only when I was checking dates on the new 2015 calender; scheduling a GP appointment; that the penny dropped. Had it REALLY been a whole year?! Well, you know what they say; ‘Time flies………..’

It’s only the start of 2015 and already the months are filling up quite nicely. There’s plenty of work-related stuff already pencilled in but I’m managing to balance it out with lots of socialising as well. I don’t want to be ‘all work and no play’ this year, although judging by what’s already been arranged; and things still in the planning stage; there’s no danger of that!