Office Luncheon…


When your Departmental Manager suggests the entire team has lunch at the on site four star Hotel it really would be rude to refuse, so today we closed the office early and wandered up the hill to enjoy an extended lunch-break.

A loose top and yoga pants proved to be the ideal outfit for such an event as it turned out. I’ve been vegetarian for well over 30 years now so I opted to start with the pumpkin and red pepper soup with herb oil, followed by roasted root vegetable moussaka, lentils, spinach and tomato gnocchi. Dessert was a no-brainer as one of the choices was chocolate soufflĂ© with toffee sauce.

Our usual one hour break had turned into well over two by the time we’d digested the last of the puddings, and an afternoon nap would’ve been in order if it wasn’t for the fact we all had things to do, but it really was nice to spend quality time with co-workers away from the working environment. The job can seem a little overwhelming at times but having these treats every now and again really does wonders to boost team morale.

All Work and No Play…


Due to unexpected staff changes in my new office I’ve agreed to temporarily take on more hours. While I realise that it’s going to be a challenge both physically and mentally, with precious little ‘me time’ for the moment, it’s a great opportunity to not only receive more hands-on experience, (which will look great on my CV), but also a fabulous opportunity to earn a lot more cash just before Christmas!

The unpredictability of ever-changing shift patterns will mean that planning anything fun will be almost impossible, but I’m sure that at some point I’ll manage to fit in a couple of day trips; weather permitting. I also have the luxury of having plenty of colleagues who’ve become good friends that I can spend my lunch-breaks with, so I won’t feel like I’m missing out on a social life.

Once this ridiculously busy period is over and the dust begins to settle I’ll be able to cut back and get a better work-life balance, but for now I shall simply enjoy the fact that all work and no play means more cash to splash on another fabulous holiday…!

Cardiology, Cappuccino and Cake…


Ever since my unexpected diagnosis of a heart condition back in March 2015 I’ve been closely monitored by a cardiologist, and while my iffy ticker appears to have stabilised I only have to endure annual check-ups. Even so, they’re never particularly pleasant occasions and are an unwelcome reminder that one of these days I’ll have to face heart surgery to put things right again.

After having my boobs covered in stickers for my ECG before having them smothered in gel for an ultrasound by a radiographer (well, I hope he was a radiographer!) and then being interrogated by the cardiac nurse, I was finally given the news that my leaky valve hasn’t got any worse over the past twelve months; my next appointment will be in October 2020.

Luckily the NHS managed to get me through all three appointments in record time, and while I did feel like I’d been on a medical conveyor belt, I was very grateful that they’re keeping an eye on me. My gratitude also extends to my friend who chauffeured me to the hospital this afternoon, especially when he treated me to a delicious cappuccino and cake at a quaint local tea room afterwards. Although I was miffed at having to take time off from work to attend the hospital appointment, I’ve had relatively positive news and I did end up with a lovely treat afterwards. Every cloud has a silver lining…