Happy Families…

cup of tea and biscuits clipart

After a busy month including day trips, a city break and starting a brand new job it was a real joy to be able to just sit down with a hot drink and a wide variety of biscuits and spend the day with my gorgeous twin daughters, catching up with all of their news.

In between lemon and chocolate muffins, ginger nuts, lemon drizzle kit-kats and jammy dodgers we discussed everything from The Great British Bake off to what the Christmas lights in London will probably look like this year, and so much more. We drank gallons of tea and debated the highs and lows of the NHS, and as usual, time just flew by.

It really is a privilege to have such wonderful children who regularly take time out of their hectic lives to make sure that they keep me up-to-date in person, rather than simply sending texts or messages on social media. I’m always sad when it’s time for them to leave, but extremely proud that they’ve grown up to be such kind and considerate human beings…

Out of the Blue…


I wasn’t currently looking for another job, but when an email appeared out of the blue asking if I was interested in having an ‘informal chat’ about an admin position in an artistic and creative department I was curious, so I went along to meet the management and find out more. My previous manager had apparently recommended me to them, which is always nice to hear, and everything seemed straightforward, but I had no great expectations regarding being hired and simply assumed it was a precursor to more formal interview processes.

The following day I took in my right to work documents as standard procedure, and was immediately called into the office where I was offered the position there and then! I must admit I was a little stunned as it’d all happened so fast, but the hours are perfect for me and the wages are higher than I expected, so it really was a no-brainer; I therefore accepted.

My summer break is now officially over and in a few days time I will begin yet another new chapter in my working life. You honestly never know what’s just around the corner…!