Goodbye 2014 – Hello 2015…!


After almost a year of being single, 31st December seems a good time to reflect on the past twelve months and see just how much I’ve achieved. While a relationship break up right at the start of 2014 and being part of a horrific police investigation in June (long story) must rate as the lows, I can honestly say that the highs have been more than I could’ve ever hoped for.

On the work front I had a pay rise, was given extra hours and more responsibilities which has not only boosted my income but also my self esteem. Regarding my health, I lost weight and got fitter, and on a personal level becoming closer to my children has obviously been the icing on the cake. I’ve also met some lovely new people, learnt different skills, featured in a local newspaper, attended several large events and even enjoyed a fabulous winter holiday in the sunshine.

Now I can’t wait to see what the next 12 months have in store for me.
Happy New Year!

Christmas Day With the Ones You Love…



Often, once you find out that Santa doesn’t actually exist and after many years of naff pressies, being skint, dreary weather and endless repeats on the telly, Christmas can become a rather tedious affair. However, there are certain things that can lift the spirits of even the most un-christmassy amongst us.

This year I’ve been treated to a wonderful Christmas Day with my precious daughters; plus one; and that’s the most fabulous gift that any mum can ever ask for. Plenty of Yuletide hugs, bags full of lovely presents, much cheery banter and lots of laughter. We pulled crackers and wore party hats before tucking into cheesy biscuits, Pringles and filled rolls all washed down with bucketfuls of tea. I am a very lucky lady indeed this festive season.

Here’s to good health and continued happiness for 2015. Cheers!

The Only Way is Topless…

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Just got back from a fantastic week of winter sun in Gran Canaria and I think I’m still a bit tipsy.

A few thankyous; to Bex for being naturally blonde in every way possible, to Ian for being so sweet (and for explaining the lighthouse thing), to Carol for introducing me to baileys on the rocks, to Paul for all those brandies, to Len and Maria for all those fascinating travel tales and to Stefano – REALLY?! Also, muchas gracias to all of the very fit waiters for providing high quality Spanish eye candy for the entire 7 days. Those tight black t-shirts over rippling muscles made an old lady very happy!

I think I learnt more in the past 7 days than I did in the past 7 years! Apparently 9 Bailies on the rocks isn’t enough to numb the tedium of Country music… but 10 is. Going topless round the pool is a liberating experience and hilarious to watch all those wives giving their husbands the evil eye if they so much as glance up from their kindles. And hangovers are easily cured via the late breakfast menu at the poolside bar – where all-inclusive alcohol provides hair-of-the-dog to accompany the ‘full English’.

Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas – hic!

Festive Cheers…



I’m not usually a fan of this time of year, quite the opposite in fact, and my first single Christmas could’ve seemed quite daunting had it not been for my wonderfully supportive friends and family members. My social life has come on in leaps and bounds in recent months and instead of potentially facing a rather uneventful yuletide, my diary is positively brimming.

So, while Jack Frost ensures the outdoor temperatures remain sub-zero, I’ve been all toasty and warm in my lounge writing on endless Christmas cards and wrapping an enormous pile of gifts; a task made all the merrier when accompanied by a large glass of mulled wine… without the mulled bits. Cheers!