Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019…


These past twelve months haven’t been quite as hectic as previous years, but that’s by no means a bad thing as I’ve been able to focus more on self-improvement. Health checks have been reassuring (touch wood) meaning my contact with the NHS this year has been thankfully minimal. I’ve taken up hula hooping, with the aid of my fancy weighted hoop, and although I’m no expert I remain an enthusiastic amateur. New toys have also included a new shower unit for my home and an expensive, top-of-the-range Huawei smartphone for me.

I’ve enjoyed exciting events on the university campus where I work, including Chinese New Year celebrations, Graduation Week and Fireworks Night, and have been treated to some fantastic day trips; including fun at the seaside as well as an amazing touristy excursion to London. Further afield I’ve recently returned from Cyprus where I spent a week of magical Mediterranean moments.

It was all change again at work in May as I started a brand new role in Mathematical Sciences and was a member of the team who became the first administrators to move into a multi-million pound STEM Centre. As well as a new department to familiarise myself with the work has been at a higher grade than I’m used to; so it’s been a steep learning curve which has definitely challenged me. Unexpected new friendships have blossomed in unlikely places, and exciting new things are already being planned for 2019, while I remain ever grateful that my gorgeous twin daughters continue to visit regularly.

Alongside the highs, there’s also been a few lows as I bid an unexpected farewell to my thirty year old pet. There’s also been the sad news of a colleague passing away just before Christmas. It was a stark reminder that life is short and you just never know what’s around the corner, so with that in mind I raise a glass to absent friends and vow to make next year a really good one…

“And there’s a hand my trusty friend!
And give me a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.”

Fluffy Festive Family Fun…


Christmas to me means just one thing; celebrating with my gorgeous twin daughters plus one fiancé and one cute-as-a-button chug (pug and chihuahua mix). Festive visits from my girls are a bit like our regular catch-ups but with all the bells and whistles, quite literally.

We obviously exchanged gifts; and, as always, they know exactly what I like and presented me with an amazing Steampunk clock, but then it was down to the serious business of tucking into the calorie-laden goodies I lovingly selected from the seasonal aisles at the local Tesco. We stuffed our faces full of both sweet and savoury bites all washed down with a gallon of tea, as is the norm, while catching up on each others news, putting the world to rights and generally having a giggle.

As usual, the hours flew by and all too soon it was time for them to make their way back to their respective homes. I always cherish the days that we spend together, but at this time of year it’s especially appreciated as I know their presence is requested by a wide variety of friends and family members, so the fact that they made a special effort to be with me doesn’t go unnoticed.

A great big THANK YOU to my girls for, yet again, giving me a very Happy Christmas…

Making Time For Mum…


Life seems to be flying by at an alarming rate of knots, so it’s very important to take every opportunity you can to spend time with elderly relatives. Despite the fact I hate going into the town centre – even more so right before Christmas – my mother was keen to meet up and take a wander around the shops, which is exactly what I’ve spent the day doing.

She’d announced on arrival that she wanted coffee and toasted teacakes in M&S when it got to lunchtime, so it was just as well I hadn’t made other plans. The weather was bitterly cold but that’s to be expected mid-December, but we’d both wrapped up warm… a bit too warm as it turns out when we eventually sat down to eat. Mum was then kind enough to loudly point out my rather rosy cheeks in case anyone in the cafe hadn’t spotted them yet.

Although she’s perfectly steady on her feet considering her advancing years, I couldn’t help grabbing hold of her near roads; guiding her like a wobbly toddler until safely across to the other side, much to her annoyance. However, I think she was glad of a sit-down when her bus finally arrived to take her back home.

In many ways today was nothing out of the ordinary, just a mother and daughter walking around town together for a few hours, but as the years go by I’m ever more aware that we need to cherish these moments while we still can…

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town…


Well, not exactly town but the housing estate where I live. Facebook messages started appearing a few days ago saying that Father Christmas would be making an appearance just yards from my house this evening, so suitably wrapped up against the cold I popped out at the scheduled time and lo and behold, there was Santa!

The local Labour councillors had organised the event and the man dressed ironically in red was not only dishing out festive merriment to local families, but also collecting for the local food bank. This was a lesson to all that Christmas isn’t just a time for receiving but also for giving to those less fortunate.

It might’ve been practically zero degrees outside, but being surrounded by all of my neighbours, watching the little ones running around excitedly and having their photos taken with the VIP, gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside…

Re-Writing History…


A decade after a particularly stressful holiday in Cyprus, I’ve finally plucked up the courage to replace all of my bad memories with happy new ones; and what a great experience it’s been.

While the weather in the UK was a tad ‘nippy’, I was enjoying the luxury of being bathed in fabulous sunshine while lounging on a beach beside the Mediterranean Sea; albeit with a couple of very exciting thunder storms thrown in for good measure,  which certainly got the adrenalin going!

The view from my hotel room was stunning and I couldn’t have asked for better service or food all week. I revisited previous locations as well as taking time to indulge my inner Lara Croft around spectacular archaeological sites. I’ve seen and done far more than I ever imagined I would on this trip and it’s been amazing. I set out to have a lovely winter break in the Mediterranean and to right the wrongs from my previous visit, however, it’s far exceeded my expectations so from my perspective it’s very much mission accomplished