Big Bangs…

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Anyone who’s ever met me knows full well I don’t like fireworks, but in an attempt to push my own boundaries I decided to put aside my anxieties over large crowds, big bangs and a morbid fear of being in a close proximity to fire, and attend the annual fireworks display at the university where I work.

I have to admit that the atmosphere on campus was quite exciting and the fact it was after dark simply ramped up the intensity. There were plenty of stalls, all lit up, in one of the main squares, and queues for hot food were growing longer by the minute. Hundreds of staff and students were already on a slope enjoying the DJs and live music on the floodlit stage and before long the university’s own fire display team were hard at work thrilling (and terrifying) the onlookers.

Despite my reservations, it was impossible not to get caught up in all the excitement when the first rocket launched high into the sky, although the racket it made when it exploded shook my insides. Apparently, it’s impossible to put both fingers in your ears when taking photos, so I just had to embrace temporary deafness and enjoy the pretty colours in the sky.

I returned home cold and stinking of smoke, but I’m proud of myself for stepping so far out of my comfort zone and I have to admit that I actually enjoyed it. Time to find out what else I can do when I put my mind to it…

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